Friday, April 10, 2009

Chocolate Chip Cookie Tip

I hate naked chocolate chip cookies. You know, the ones that don’t have any chips in them. Come on – without the chips it’s just a…a naked cookie!

When you are making chocolate chip cookies – regardless of the recipe – hold 10 to 15 chips to the end. As you are spooning out the dough and less and less is in the bowl, there is that dough at the end with no chips in it. It happens every time and you end up with two or three naked cookies with no chips in them. When you get to the end and see the plain dough, add in the extra chips and stir it around – no more naked cookies!

1 comment:

  1. This is precisely why I prefer to use Nestle Semisweet Chocolate Chunks. Believe me... it's almost too much chocolate and when you bite into warm cookies the chocolate literally flows... yum!
