Wow, it’s so good I have to blog about it!
At a recent party the girl and I hosted, a friend presented me with a gift – bow and all – and as she handed it to me she looked as though she was going to burst with excitement. "I had to bring this back for you," she said. "I had them when visiting San Antonio and thought of you. You have to try them."
At this point, my excitement and curiosity has peaked! Texas has great food – San Antonio, Houston, Austin, and everywhere in between. I opened the gift to find a jar filled with sliced peppers and a gold label that read, Candied Jalapeño Jelly. Now, everyone knows I love peppers and I don't know anyone who doesn't like jelly...but together?!?
Now, some people have issues with sweet and sour or sweet and hot – this was a little of both. My friend proceeded to spread a little light cream cheese over a cracker and then topped it with a scoop of the candied green peppers and handed it to me. I was skeptical, but as my grandmother always said, 'the devil hates a coward."
One bite and I was a believer. It was all I had hoped – hot, sweet, cold, spicy – all at the same time. Now, I enjoy some strange foods, but this time it wasn't just me. After hearing the build-up, everyone at the party had to try it. By the end of the night, unfortunately, we nearly finished off the jar – it was that good.
Two things to remember: First, you have to try it before making a judgment. Second, if you are ever in San Antonio, bring a bottle back for your friends...and one more for me!